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Wednesday, 15 October 2014

HEALTH TIPS : Natural remedy; prevention and treatment of cancer.

It is easier to prevent cancer than to treat it. Many things which prevent it as discussed in this article help safeguard all of us. But once contracted, some treatments help one person more than another. So, prevention is the best way to deal with cancer.

About 80% of cancer cases appear to be linked to the way people live there lives. For example, whether or not you smoke, the foods you eat and certain industrial pollutants all affect your likelihood of getting cancer. The role of diet in the cause and prevention of cancer is particularly important. About 35% of cancer deaths maybe associated with dietary influence.

The seven things you must do to avoid contracting cancer are listed below

1. Avoid obesity: If you are 40% or more over weight, you increase your risk of colon, breast, prostrate, gallbladder, ovary and uterine cancer.

2. Cut down on total fat intake: High-fat intake maybe a factor in the development of certain cancers (particularly breast, colon and prostrate). By avoiding fatty food, you are better able to control body weight.

3. Eat more fibre foods: These includes vegetables, fruits and legumes such as dry peas and beans. These foods may help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

4. Include food rich in vitamin A and C: Favourable foods are dark-green and deep-yellow fresh vegetables and fruits such as carrots, peaches and apricot for beta carotene, the precursor of vitamin A. Also use oranges, grape fruits, strawberries, and green and red pepper for vitamin C. These foods may help lower risk of cancers of the larynx, esophagus and the lungs.

5. Daily intake of cruciferous vegetables: These are cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and others. They have ingredients that build resistant to certain cancers.

6 . Avoid salt-cured, smoked or nitrate-cured foods: Among those who eat these foods frequently, there is more incidence of cancer of the esophagus and stomach.

7. Keep alcohol consumption moderate if you must drink: Heavy use of alcohol especially when accompanied by cigarettes smoking or smokeless tobacco, increases risk of cancers of the mouth, larynx, throat, esophagus, lungs and liver.

Hope this was informative. Do let us know if you benefitted.


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